Located in the northwest of Navarra, in the regions of Baztán and Bidasoa, the Pyrenees offer their softest semblance that invites you to enjoy nature. Among forests and meadows, beautiful villages emerge with the indelible imprint of the Indianos, some with imposing churches, as is the case of Ziga, and farmhouses, examples of the most traditional architecture in the area.
As the valley is traveled, its legends and treasures are discovered, such as the Parque de Bertiz or the Cuevas de Urdax and Zugarramurdi, the former full of stalactites and the latter marked by trials for witchcraft.
In this environment of nature and silence, you can hear the cowbells of the animals that graze in the meadows that, in February, completely break the peace, becoming rhythmic to announce the arrival of the Carnival by the Zanpantzar.

sweet land of tradition
The cuisine and products of Baztan-Bidasoa are closely linked to its land and history. Hence its production of jams and preparation of the delicious chocolate with hazelnuts from Elizondo, the capital of the Baztán Valley.
With a strong agricultural and livestock tradition, there are products closely linked to these activities such as talos, curd and the famous DO Idiazabal cheese. There are characteristic dishes of each town and there are those that are prepared in the valleys that make up Baztan-Bidasoa, such as Baztan veal or the typical Baztan Soup. A very special soup that is prepared with sheep broth and slices of bread. It is a typical soup that is eaten on the eve of the holidays, yes, with a fork, not a spoon.
International Gastronomic Tourist Destination